When what you hoped would be a masterpiece ends up a mess, you normally toss it out. But Jesus takes what seems like trash and uses it to produce treasure.
Even in a world as noisy as ours, one message still stands out. It's known as the gospel, or good news. It's the message that Jesus has set us free from the burden of earning God's favor and blessings ourselves. Because of Jesus, the work is finished, God's best gifts are free, and God's love and approval are for you.
We'd love to have you join us at Good News because we'd love to have you join us for good news.
Gospel-Centered Worship
The gospel, or good news, is the power God uses to build up our faith and transform our lives. That's why our worship places the gospel on center stage. From specially selected Bible readings to carefully crafted songs, from a solid yet relevant message to time-tested prayers and creeds, our worship proclaims the good news about Jesus from start to finish.
Family-Friendly Worship
Even from their earliest years, children are models of faith for all of us. Our worship format not only encourages families to be together, but is designed for active engagement and participation by all, including children. The sights and sounds of active children are a great joy to us and evidence that God is blessing our future even now.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Worship
9:00 a.m.
Online broadcast circlerightarrow
Sunday School and Bible Study
10:15 a.m.
Wednesdays in Lent
5:30 p.m. Meal
6:30 p.m. Service of Evening Prayer
Our Location
9975 Pepper Drive
Mt. Horeb, WI 53572